Mold Fiber Business
HCMP offers comprehensive product portfolio of mold fiber products for food and consumer electronics industries. HCMP also offers trusted turn-key solutions that include process technologies, equipment, plants, and systems. As the largest equipment vendor in Taiwan, we are dedicated to invest in new technologies and innovate for a plastic-free future.Vision
Molded Fiber Products that Enables Environmental SustainabilityOur products include compostable trays and containers for food, medical, and consumer electronic industries. The sources of pulps, such as sugarcanes, bamboo, wood, are environmental friendly and renewable. More and more countries and companies are replacing plastics with paper boards, corrugated boxes, and recyclable packages. Molded fibers are now applied in milk bottle, coffee cups and lids, cosmetics, shoe box, mobile and tables. We make more than packaging. We make statements. We developed technologies for exquisite draft angle and sharp edge for your brand to shine.
Dedicated Teams
RD Team
Machine design, CAD, programming.02
Factory team
Pulping, paper mill, molded fiber.03
Management team
Quality management and customer commitment.04
Automated process
Puling, molding, processing.05
Fast prototyping
CAD design, tooling, prototyping.06
Assets reserved for future RD expansion
Lands, factories, talents, technologies.07
Knowledge on Material of different pulps.
Automated, cost
effect, customized process and equipment.09
In house Auto CAD/ Pro
E/ Solidworks and tooling teams.10